Drama for Elders via Zoom

Weekly sessions exploring drama, improvisation, storytelling and creative writing for the 60+

A safe space for elders to connect, socialise, listen to others, be heard, learn new skills, create, transform and above all have fun and laugh – great weapons against negative consequences of these difficult times.

A lively virtual gathering with a mix of emotions: from laughter and smiles to pensive and casual looks, showcasing the diversity of interactions in a video conference call.
Zoom Session - 5

September 2020 – Jan 2021

A safe space for elders to connect, socialise, listen to others, be heard, learn new skills, create, transform and above all have fun and laugh – great weapons against negative consequences of these difficult times.

During Lockdown, we were able to keep delivering our sessions to most of the group via Zoom. We are particularly proud to have supported those in the group who had never logged onto the world wide web before. We provided second-hand devices and found neighbours offering WIFI access who taught them how to use Zoom.

This event is offered as part of The Happy Place, a community programme created by Church Street Library, and supported by the Neighbourhood Keepers and Westminster City Council, in association with Church Street Futures Group.