Viewpoint for Elders
A Fun Improvisation System that helps you connect with others in time & space
Viewpoints for Elders has been adapted for stage acting by Anne Bogart and Tina Landau in which they use an improvisational system that trains an actor to use their body in time and space to create meaning.

September – December 2019
A 12-week drama course & 2 showcases for people aged 60+.
Viewpoints for Elders has been adapted for stage acting by Anne Bogart and Tina Landau in which they use an improvisational system that trains an actor to use their body in time and space to create meaning. They are points of awareness that a performer or creator has while working. They are Spatial Relationship, Kinesthetic Response, Shape, Gesture, Repetition, Architecture, Tempo, Duration, and Topography. It may sound complex, but it is not. It is a lot of fun.
These are some of the feedback we had from the group:
Watching a viewpoint improvisation: "very moving"
- Jean
Could see that improvisers had "respect for each other"
- Sheila
Taking part "makes you feel relaxed, you forget other things. It takes the anxiety away"
– Jane
Since completing the work, we have received some encouraging words about how they feel.
were able to "go with the flow"
"in the zone"
"in tune"
"attuned to each other"
"respecting each other"
"could feel the love from everybody"
This event is offered as part of The Happy Place, a community programme created by Church Street Library, and supported by the Neighbourhood Keepers and Westminster City Council, in association with Church Street Futures Group.